파브리시오 마토스 Fabricio Mattos


사용악기: 알마기타 2012 마스터 더블탑, 스푸르스-하카란다

파브리시오는 브라질 쿠리티바에서 태어났다. 6세에 아버지로 부터 음악 수업을 받기 시작했으며 14세에 이르러 기타음악에 매료되어 Paideia 음악원의 Dirceu Saggin를 사사한다.

그는 2006년 Luiz Cludio Ferreira 교수의 지도 아래 Farana 음악원에서 학위를 수여받우 후, 기타 연주자의 길을 가기 시작한다. (16세) 그의 첫번째 CD 인 “Espana” 를 발매함과 동시에 “SESC-Sonora Brazil” 의 후원에 힘입어,  브라질 10개주를 아우르는 콘서트 투어를 갖게 되는데, 2009년 9월~ 12월에 이르는 짧은 기간 동안 이어진 83회의 마라톤 연주회는 팬들에게 아주 깊은 인상을 심어주기에 충분하였다.

그는 CD,DVD 녹음은 물론 TV출연 협주곡과 앙상블 과의 협연등 다양한 활동을 할뿐 아니라, “Violao em Camara” 와 “Musica e Espiritualidade” 의 음악 감독을 겸임하고, 여러 나라에서 열리는 기타페스티발, 마스터 클래스등에 활발히 참여하고 연주회 등을 통하여 그의 높은 음악성이 알려지고 있다.

그는 “Armando Prazeres Prize for Young Soloists of Petrobras” (리오 데 자네이로, 2003), “Ivor Mairants Guitar Award” (Worshipful Company of Musicians, 런던) “Picker Trust Award” (영국 왕립음악원, 런던) “Webshow Video Award”…
“Alexander Tansman Competition of Musical Personalities” (폴란드) 에서는
브라질 음악인 역사상 최초로 명예의 전당에 오르는 등등 10여회 이상 국제 기타콩쿨에서 입상 하였으며, 특히 2009년 에는 외국인 (브라질 기타리스트) 으로서는 상상하기 어려운 “줄리안 브림상’을 직접 수여받는 영광을 안았다.
전설적인 대가인 그로부터 최고로 인정을 받았다는 소식은 세계의 주목을 끌기에 충분했다.

그는 영국왕립음악원의 최고 연주자 과정의 교육담당 자격을 갖고 있는데, (Michael Lewin, Timothy Walker, Fabio Zanon, and Julian Bream 과 같이,,,)
이는 세계 최고 수준의 기타교육자의 자격을 의미한다. 또한 많은 작곡가들로 부터 곡을 헌정 받기도 하였다, (Harry Crowl, Mario Ferraro, Paul Hart, Salomao Habib, Katerina Stamatelos 등등)

한편으로는, “WGC” (세계기타연합) 를 조직, 음악감독으로 있으면서 세계적인 연주활동, 예술 지원 사업등을 펼치고 있다.


Instrument / 2012 Master Double top (MD) – Spruce & Brazilian rosewood


Fabricio Mattos was born in Curitiba, Brazil. He began his musical studies at the age of six, learning musical theory with his father. When he was fourteen years old, he was introduced to the guitar and was fascinated by the possibilities of this instrument, eventually deciding to study with Dirceu Saggin, at Paidéia Music School, in Curitiba.
He graduated in 2006 Bachelor of Music School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (EMBAP), under tuition of Luiz Cláudio Ferreira, and acts as a performer since he was 16 years old. He has launched in 2007 his first CD, “Espanola”, with original works by Spanish composers of the twentieth century, in a national tour of concerts in ten Brazilian states. From September to December 2009 Fabrício toured in Brazil as part of the project “SESC-Sonora Brazil”, being invited to perform 83 concerts throughout Brazil, which is considered the most significant guitar tour ever realized in that country.

He has participated of many projects for which he recorded tracks for CDs, DVDs, solo television programs, acting as a soloist or chamber musician with the most varied ensembles. He has also served as producer of the series “Violão em Câmara” and artistic producer of the series “Musica e Espiritualidade “, in Curitiba, in addition to exerting an intense didactic activity with the guitar, giving lectures and masterclasses in many different countries. He has played in several international festivals and competitions in various European countries, at events globally recognized for its high musical level.

Fabricio Mattos was awarded in more than ten national and international competitions, like the Armando Prazeres Prize for Young Soloists of Petrobras (Rio de Janeiro, 2003), in which he won first place, and has also received honors as “Ivor Mairants Guitar Award” (Worshipful Company of Musicians, London),”Picker Trust Award” (Royal Academy of Music, London) and “Webshow Video Award”. Fabricio was the first Brazilian musician in history to be elected a finalist for the prestigious “Alexander Tansman Competition of Musical Personalities,” in Poland, where he performed in November 2008. In 2009, Fabricio was awarded one of the greatest honors ever received by a Brazilian guitarist abroad: the “Julian Bream Award”, an award for artistic excellence and distinction given in London by the legendary guitarist Julian Bream, who personally chose the Brazilian guitarist to join the select rank of winners of this prestigious award.

Fabricio Mattos attended the Master’s in music performance at the Royal Academy of Music, one of the best music institutions in the world, and has received a partial scholarship in recognition for his high artistic level. At the Academy, he had as mentors musicians like Michael Lewin, Timothy Walker, Fabio Zanon, and Julian Bream. He constantly collaborates with composers from various musical languages, such as Harry Crowl, Mario Ferraro, Paul Hart, Salomão Habib, Katerina Stamatelos, among others, by dedicating himself to a development and refinement of the musical approach on the guitar, through contact with various ways of expression in music. Fabricio acts as a scholar on guitar performance, performing constantly, both as soloist and chamber musician, always looking for a distinguished interpretation that values the artistic personality and sound and phrasing quality. Fabricio is the creator and artistic director of the Worldwide Guitar Connections, an innovative project with many actions in varied possibilities in music production. Fabricio Mattos toured around the world in 2011, performing concerts in four continents during May and June, and special concerts during the year, as part of the innovative project Worldwide Guitar Connections. and will be involved in many concert tours, festivals, and masterclasses as part of the WGC for the next years.