갈리나 베일 Galina Vale


연주악기- J.Ramirez 3세 664mm / M. Kohno/ 알마기타 마스터 더블탑 660mm

기타리스트 Galina Vale(Vernigora)는 러시아 우크라이나의 전통적인 음악가 집안에서 태어났다.

그녀는 8살 때 우크라이나 TV에 처음으로 출연, 연주 하였으며, 12살부터 Kharkov Philharmonic symphony orchestra와 유명한 기타 협주곡들을 연주했고 1986년부터 1997년까지 Kharkov state philharmonia에서 협주곡을 위한 상임 연주자로 활동하는 한편, 1991년부터 1995년까지 Moscow Gnesiny Music College 에서 공부를 했다.

갈리나는 폴란드, 이탈리아, 헝가리, 스페인, 영국 등에서 개최된 국제 기타 콩쿨에서 여러차례 우승을 하였으며 동서부 유럽에서 2000회 이상의 공연을 했다.

1996년에는 영국 대사와 케냐의 고위 장관의 초청으로 아프리카 전역을 순회하며 TV출연과 콘서트 투어를 한다.

그녀는 고난도의 테크닉을 요구하는 곡을 공연에서 선사한다. 예를 든다면, 기타로는 불가능한 곡이라고 Goniezc Pomorsky가 이야기한 일본의 Virtuoso 기타리스트 가주히또 야마시타가 편곡한, 전람회의 그림중에서 The Bogatyr Gate of Kiev나, 그녀가 편곡한 라흐마니노프의 Prelude no.5 in G-minor과 브람스의 Hungarian Dance no.5 등이 있다.

그녀의 레퍼토리는 정통 클래식기타(Sor, Mertz, Tarrega, Villa-lobos, etc) 르네상스, 바로크시대의 음악(Galilei, Bach, Dowland, Scarlatti), 다른 악기의곡 또는
오케스트라 음악을 편곡한 작품(Liszt, Paganini, Sarasate, Falla, Gimenez, Bizet, Rossini…)에서 부터, 현대기타 음악(Walton, Dyens, Rak…)과 플라멩코(Escudero, Sabicas, Pena…), 남미 와 동유럽 민속음악(Cardoso, Ramirez, Shevchenko…)까지 매우 다양하다.

유명한 기타리스트겸 작곡가인 Stepan Rak 은 1987년 그녀의 Esztergom International Guitar Festival (Hungary)에서의 곡의 해석을 보고 “마침내 나의 음악을 제대로 연주할 수 있는 기타리스트를 찾았다” 라고 극찬하기도 하였다.

Ukrainian State Television에서는 그녀를 위한 만든 3편의 음악 프로그램을 제작하기도 하였다.

” Portrait with Guitar ” (1987)
” Strings and Sails ” (1991)
” Spirit of Spain ” (1997)

그녀의 첫음반 “The legend”는 일본 현대 기타와 마사루 고노의 지원아래 1996년에 나왔다. 이 음반은 미국 FM radio 프로그램인 Classical Guitar Alive에서 Great Women Guitarists라는 제목으로 1997년 소개 되었으며, 후에도 the Maltese national Radio 에서 Cantabile라는 이름으로 소개 되었다.

갈리나는 이제 영국에 살면서 연주활동을 계속하고 있다. 영국으로 이주한 후에 그녀는 Urowirral International Guitar Festival, Ripon Music Festival, “Hola Mundo”, Venues incl. Royal Festival Hall, Purcell Room, Kensington Roof Gardens,Leighton House and Bridgewater Hall 등의 권위있는 페스티발 에서 연주를 하였으며 그녀는 또한 Salvador Estebanez Eraso의 감독 아래 London과 Manchester의 Instituto Cervantes에서 Spanish Guitar Music 프로그램 맡고있다.


Guitar/ Alma Master double top Cedar 650mm
/ J.Ramirez3 664mm
/ M.Kohno 650mm

Guitarist Galina Vale (Vernigora) was born in the Ukraine and comes from a family of musicians.
She began studying the guitar and made her first public appearance on state television at the age of eight,
from twelve she was performing major guitar concertos with the Kharkov Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.
From 1991 to 1995 she studied at the Moscow Gnesiny Music College while also employed as a principal guitarist
with the Kharkov State Philharmonia from 1986 until 1997.
Galina has won prizes at international guitar and music competitions in
Poland, Italy, Hungary, Spain, the United Kingdom, and has performed over 2000 concerts across West and Eastern Europe .
In 1996 the British Ambassador and High Commissioner to Kenya invited her to Africa for a concert tour and television appearances.
Her recitals have included very technically demanding works,
such as the arrangement by Japanese virtuoso guitarist Kazuhito Yamashita of “The Bogatyr Gate of Kiev”
(from “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Mussorgsky), considered “impossible for guitar” (Goniezc Pomorsky)
alongside her own arrangements of works like Rachmaninov’s “Prelude no.5 in G-minor” and “Hungarian Dance no.5” by Brahms…
Her repertoire has ranged from ‘orthodox’ classical guitar (Sor, Mertz, Tarrega, Villa-Lobos), music from the renaissance and baroque
(Galilei, Bach, Dowland, Scarlatti) through arrangements of classical instrumental,orchestral works and opera
(Liszt, Paganini, Sarasate, de Falla, Gimenez, Bizet, Rossini…) the modern guitar (Walton, Dyens, Rak…) to flamenco (Escudero, Sabicas, Peña…)
and arrangements of South American and East European folk music (Cardoso, Ramirez, Shevchenko…).
Her interpretation of pieces by the famous guitarist-composer Stepan Rak inspired his praise before a huge audience
at the 1987 Esztergom International Guitar Festival (Hungary)…
“Finally I have found a guitarist who can perform my music!”

She has also starred in three music films produced by Ukrainian State Television:

“Portrait with guitar” (1987)
“Strings and Sails” (1991)
“Spirit of Spain” (1997)

Her first CD “The Legend” was released in 1996 (under her maiden name Galina Vernigora)
with the support of Gendai Guitar Foundation of Japan and Masaru Kohno.
It featured on US FM radio in the network programme edition of “Great Women Guitarists” produced by ‘Classical Guitar Alive’ in 1997
and later with the Maltese National Radio on the programme “Cantabile”.

Galina now lives in England and continues with her career as a concert performer .
Since moving to the U.K. she has performed at major festivals incl. Eurowirral International Guitar Festival,
Ripon Music Festival, “Hola Mundo” and venues incl.
Royal Festival Hall, Purcell Room, Kensington Roof Gardens, Leighton House and Bridgewater Hall.
She has also worked with the Instituto Cervantes in Manchester and London under Director Salvador Estebanez Eraso performing Spanish guitar music programmes for the Open University, British Council and other events .

Press review quotes

“Fabulous virtuosity…” —————————————-La Guitarreria, France

“Birth of the star”
“Beautiful like Venus , plays like Paco de Lucia” ————Goniezc Pomorsky, Poland

“If individuality could be measured on a scale of one to ten, Galina Vale
would surely score eleven…” ————————— Classical Guitar, Great Britain

“The Ukrainian-born Galina Vale is a guitarist of extraordinary daring and virtuosity.…”
———————— Instituto Cervantes, Great Britain

“Fairy of Crystal Strings” ——————————– Molod Ukrainy, Ukraine

“Breathtaking… I have never known such technical security with the left hand
———————- Huddersfield Daily Examiner, Great Britain

“Renowned instrumental star…” ——————-East African Standard, Kenya

” Her playing is almost indescribable, with a lot of volume, an unusual, and a repertoire that few would choose to attempt.
As my father used to say “they broke the mould when they made that one.”
Absolutely, I couldn’t put it better myself!”
—————————–Chris Dumigan, Classical Guitar

“The finalist from Ukraine, Galina Vale, surprised the audience with her amazing
musical skills, her incredible technique and unusual stage presence.”
——————San Francisco International Guitar Competition, 2002

Galina Vale – 4th October 2003 West Sussex Guitar Club

“What an amazing performance from Galina Vale at the first of the new season’s concerts.
Such incredible technique in all aspects of her guitar playing. The volume and speed and clarity were superb.
Some say the pieces were played too fast, but I never found any loss of emotion in the playing.
The programme of music was well chosen with many refreshing new pieces that I had not heard played on the guitar before.
Because of the confines of the hall there is not room for a full orchestra,
and yet on this occasion we were treated to Vivaldi’s Lute Concerto with a Kareoke style orchestra backing.
What a beautiful piece and the sound balance between orchestra and guitar was just right.
The Venetian mask added to the sense of fun.
All the pieces were enjoyable, in particular I liked the excitement of Rossini’s Tarantella.
The final piece from Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition with its grand chords looked incredibly difficult to play
and I later read in the programme notes that the arrangement was considered ‘impossible to play’!
All told it was one of the most entertaining evenings with many new pieces all brilliantly played.
That evening we did a round trip of 100 miles just to see the concert and it was well worth every mile.
I look forward to Galina’s early return.”
Terry Woodgate —–West Sussex Guitar Club/U.K.